10 Gallon Aquarium Fish Combos. Shrimp you can get a few more of in a 10 cause of their low bioload. We have prepared a thorough list of the best fish for a 10-gallon tank that you can see below.
On that note if anyone is interested in helping me figure out the lighting Id greatly appreciate it. The platies breed constantly Ill be selling a batch of them soon so if you go that route expect babies. A 10 gallon fish tank is more challenging than say a 50 gallon fish tank due to the small amount of water.
Below we have a list of some fish that in my opinion are the best for a 10-gallon tank.
Top 10 Fish for 10-Gallon Tanks. We have also added a small guide on how to set the tank in the most perfect way and answers to popular questions that could be useful for your future experience. Keep large fish from this aquarium however as big fish may turn the small harlequins into prey and meal if they get the chance. The minimal tank size for guppies is 10 gallons but since they are best kept in a group you should opt for a larger water volume.