15 Gallon Fish Aquarium. SeaClear 15 Gallon Deluxe Hexagon Acrylic Fish Tank. There are two different types of Gourami fishes available In the market.

What Are Some Good Fish Combinations For A 15-Gallon Tank. Common options are guppies platyfish tetras dwarf corydoras danios barbs nerite snails cherry shrimp Amano shrimp and more. Its really up to you.
However you should not buy the bigger version of this fish if you do not have a big enough tank to keep them.
Hygger 200W Digital Quartz Aquarium Heater for Fresh-Water Salt-Water with External Led Display Thermostat Controller and Thermometer Auto Submersible Heater for Fish Tank 15-30 Gallon. In general when stocking your 15-gallon tank try to have one or two larger Centerpiece fish and fill in the rest with a school of smaller fish and a few bottom dwellers like shrimp or catfish. The fish tank of this 15-gallon aquarium kit is made of thick and durable glass and this rectangular shape can easily fit on every sturdy stand-in corner. Place decoration inside like coral reefs and natural plants so.