30 Gallon Aquarium Fish Suggestions. Since I lost it the snails have laid so many clusters of eggs it is disgusting. A great choice for a species only tank is Scarlet Badis fish they have fascinating personalities and will also bring some color to the tank.
Large cichlids kept in groups 13 asia fishtank stocking ideas for 90-120 gallons tanks. Gouramis can be housed with a variety of tropical fish. Care needs to be taken regarding the stocking of the tank as a perfect combination can make your tank no less than an eye-catcher.
In this case 30 gallon aquarium fish suggestions will be Danio malabaricus Chinese Three-Keeled Pond Turtle Molly sphenops Trichogaster and Corydoras.
In this case 30 gallon aquarium fish suggestions will be Danio malabaricus Chinese Three-Keeled Pond Turtle Molly sphenops Trichogaster and Corydoras. If your prefer aggressive or territorial species you could try fish. There are a lot of different fish I like but they are all completely different. Furthermore 29-38 gallons fishtanks are very suitable for beginners.