50 Gallon Aquarium Fish Suggestions. 1 Aquarium stocking ideas. By Mona Lisa29 7 years ago on General Freshwater Questions.
I want bigger fish and Im wanting to know some good big fish sugeestion for my 50 gallon aquariumgood compantions. By Mona Lisa29 7 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. If you wanted a specialized tank and where willing to put a little more effort into.
I want bigger fish and Im wanting to know some good big fish sugeestion for my 50 gallon aquariumgood compantions.
By Mona Lisa29 7 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. Recommended 10 gallon Fish Tank. 55 Gallon Suggestions for a BeginnerKid. 5 males and 10 females of Endler Guppies or Flamingo Guppies or Guppy paired with Cardinal Tetra or Ember Tetra or Rosy Tetra or Flame Tetra or Glowlight tetra.