55 Gallon Fish Only Saltwater Aquarium. I have a 90 gallon african cichlid tankbut I didnt want to go through the hassle of selling all my beautiful grown fish just to start a new saltwater tank and a 55 gallon I thought would be cheaper to start up and get a good practice out of. They do better in a mature tank.

Saltwater fish are territorrial and get stressed if you overcrowd them this causes fighting and illness. This is my first time to keeping a marine tank but I am experienced with keeping freshwater fish. 73-78F and 8-84 pH.
A clown or two many wrasses to choose from blennys hawkfish firefish etc.
55 gallon saltwater tank size. A 55 gallon aquarium provides far more stocking options when compared to smaller aquariums like 10 gallon tanks. Setting up a saltwater aquarium can be a difficult task that requires very careful preparation. Its size serves as an excellent display tank and is readily available at most pet shops.