8 Gallon Aquarium Fish. The Figure 8 is a highly popular freshwater puffer fish that we think is slightly easier to care for than the green-spotted puffer fish. Suitable for fresh water or salt water aquarium.
So your 8 gallon tank could safely hold 8 inches of full grown fish. I would advise against the tiger barbs - they get too big for an 8 gallon tank IMO and they are also schooling fish and are semi-aggressive. Neon cardinal black neon or rummynose tetras would be fine a single dwarf gourami or a single betta or any.
I want to know what would look great in an 8 gallon tank.
This glass fish tank has a unique convex arc curve shape can widen your view on the aquarium and can hold more capacity of water. Suitable for fresh water or salt water aquarium. Fresh and Saltwater Tropical Fish. Dont Go to the Fish Store Yet.