African Tiger Fish Aquarium. Nigriventer but are easily distinguished when adult as nigriventer does not develop. African tiger fish 25-3Housed in our huge fish warehouse here in San Diego California with thousands of other varieties and species of fish aquatic plants and more.
Generally peaceful but should be kept with similarly sized fish. African Tiger Fish ATF Tiger Fish Scientific Name. Hydrocynus vittatus or Hydrocynus forsksahlii Slimmer and yellowish tail Family.
Nigriventer but are easily distinguished when adult as nigriventer does not develop.
They prefer a well-planted tank of at least 30 gallons with soft slightly acidic water. Hydrocynus vittatus or Hydrocynus forsksahlii Slimmer and yellowish tail Family. It is rarely seen in the hobby and is usually quite expensive. Most species of African Tiger Fish are either silver or grey in color.