All Types Of Tropical Aquarium Fish. The most notable of this latter category include the angelfish oscars and discus cichlids. It comes in all shapes sizes and colors.
They are easy to care for and can be kept in tanks with at least 30 gallons of water but like many other types of Gourami they do require space at the top of the tank so they can breathe air. They slow moving water that is full. Its a hardy fish that does well in community aquariums since its a generally peaceful fish.
Their price tag is so expensive because of their beauty and difficulty to breed in captivity.
The Greenstripe barb can live in tropical freshwater and brackish water as well. Its a hardy fish that does well in community aquariums since its a generally peaceful fish. Molly fish are characterized by a lot of variety making them a popular choice for tropical freshwater aquaria. Tiger Oscar is probably the most popular type of Oscar Fish in the aquarium hobby.