Aquarium Co Op Fish For Sale. By adding java moss to the breeding tank you can also breed another species like red cherry shrimp. This is the biggest fish market in the world.
That brings your total monthly revenue to 70 a month or 840 a year with only one aquarium. Goliad Farms is a family-owned tropical fish hatchery located in historic Goliad County Texas. We specialize in importing and breeding rare and exotic fish from around the world.
Aquarium Fish Sale.
Aquarium Co-Op 9661 Firdale Ave Edmonds WA 98020. Clownfish glowlight tetras and freshwater eels are just a few of the more popular fish youll find at Aquarium Fish Sale and you wont have to worry about them arriving unhealthy. I have a LFS that actually quarantines their fish for 1 month before putting them out to sell. We keep fish shrimp and snails with our plants.