Aquarium Fish Breeding. But they soon want to know more about how their fish live and especially how they breed. Many fish species care for their brood and its really fun to observe how the parents protect and look after their offspring.
That means no damaged fins no dullness in coloring no strange movements no floating around without swimming no lack of appetite or energy. You can replicate this anytime in your home aquarium by doing water changes increasing the temperature setting on the aquarium thermometer and gradually increasing the length of time the lights are on. In theory every fish suitable for keeping in aquariums is suitable for breeding and therefore it is also a profitable object.
This is because the adult fish will consume every egg or any fry that is fortunate enough to hatch within the aquarium.
Most fish species are stimulated to breed in the springtime when the water warms up and the daylight lengthens. Breeding aquarium fish often the main goal To breed aquarium fish is not only desirable from a sustainable point of view it is also fascinating and exciting. These fish are also called Millions fish which gives you a clue as to their prolific breeding habits. Many fish species care for their brood and its really fun to observe how the parents protect and look after their offspring.