Aquarium Fish In Sri Lanka. Exclusive website to publish ads about pets and pet products in Sri Lanka Post an ad. The ornamental fish industry in Sri Lanka has a history of nearly 100 years when a group of hobbyists and collectors.
The members of this genus typically have one or more pairs of barbels slender fleshy protuberances near the mouth and often. We provide the required nutritions and food for the fish and buy them from the customer after 45. We are leading of ornamental fish tropical aquarium fish exporter live tropical fish from Sri Lanka to ornamental fish importers and exporter in worldwide market.
In time to come the aquarium fish industry in Sri Lanka will look to expand their foothold by breeding high value marine ornamental fish including exciting new varieties and rare species endemic to the tropical island.
Aquarium fish fish in Sri Lanka - PetLK - Search buy or sell aquarium fish fish in Sri Lanka. Out of these freshwater speciesthat is being exported from Sri Lanka Negombo Aquarium is one of the very few organizationswho cater to the local needs of the Sri Lankan ornamental fish market bridging the gap betweenthe efficient supplier and the. The members of this genus typically have one or more pairs of barbels slender fleshy protuberances near the mouth and often. We are one of the largest exporters of Sri Lanka shipping to over 20 courtiers around the world.