Best Fish For Heavily Planted Aquarium. Neons do best in a heavily planted tank with subdued lighting and lots of hiding places such as caves driftwood etc Provide plenty of open water too as these fish like to hang out in the midwater area of the aquarium creating a breathtaking display of shimmering color as they shoal together. I need suggestions on some small hardy middle-to-top dwelling fish that wont overstock my tank.
12 Methods and techniques to catch fish in a planted aquarium. A heavily planted tank including delicate plants would be better suited to dwarf Cichlids. These fish are best kept in groups with 6 or more of their own species and they tend to do well in community tanks.
Most rasboras do well in the planted tank and they are also a good choice as community fish.
A heavily planted tank including delicate plants would be better suited to dwarf Cichlids. These fish are best kept in groups with 6 or more of their own species and they tend to do well in community tanks. They originate from areas with dense aquatic vegetation and therefore thrive in a replica of the same in their captivity. Planted aquariums also provide the ideal habitat for larger freshwater species like Rainbowfish Discus and Angelfish.