Best Fish For Nano Planted Aquarium. Originating from the Amazon River Basin Rummy Nose Tetras are a good choice for nano tanks. Ember Tetras will often swim in schools resulting in a bright trail of color through the aquascape.
You can include breeds like tetras bettas goby and livebearers in your tank. Some aquarists consider nano aquariums to be 15 gallons or less but others rate tanks up to 25. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are most definitely the best nano fish for a cold water temperature that can be kept in unheated aquariums.
The leaves up to 6 in 15 cm in diameter provide retreats for small fish.
Salt and Pepper Catfish is a peaceful and timid fish that you can keep in a nano aquarium with other smaller species of fish like Ember or Amanda Tetras Endlers Guppies Clown Panchax and tiny Rasbora species. But some species prefer cooler temperatures. These fish enjoy a heavily planted tank with slow moving waters. The pygmy sunfish is one of the lesser known nano fish in the hobby.