Best Freshwater Fish For 20 Gallon Aquarium. Eric is an aquarium enthusiast with over two decades of experience caring for a wide array of tropical fish. Freshwater angel fish do best in water temperatures of 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
In fact there are many types of cichlids out there such as. Matthew Mannell Public domain via Wikimedia Commons Stocking Your Freshwater Aquarium. A 20-gallon aquarium can house one male with one or two females for company.
Tetras are super small and their waste out put really is so little they have a minimal impact on any Biological tank filter I usually go by 2 tetras 1 fish.
Actually a single Cory can clean a 2030-gallon tank by itself from all the algae in it. Longfin Zebra Danio Danio Rerio This member of the Cyprinidae family lives up to 5 years and grows up to a max of 3 inches in the home aquarium. A female has a shorter dorsal fin pinkish belly and blue spangles inside the. They mostly enjoy tanks that utilize both an aquatic and terrestrial habitat.