Brackish Aquarium Fish. 10 rows Often sold as freshwater fish but this species actually thrives in brackish water. Brackish fish do best in water with a salinity of 1015 or 14 cup marine salt per gallon and a pH of 75 to 84.
Brackish fish are very hardy fish for this very reason. The sailfin mollies are small-sized fish that inhabit brackish fresh and coastal waters. A reddish body with white spots below and blue stripes above and a large eye-spot beneath the dorsal fin.
A brackish water aquarium gives hobbyists the ability to keep these fish properly and enjoy them for many years.
These fish have a high tolerance for sudden swings in the salinity levels in water. Figure 8 puffers are one of the smaller pufferfish species and can be kept in aquariums of at least 315 inches 80 cm. They can tolerate saline water up to 87 ppt. Figure 8 pufferfish Tetraodon biocellatusIf you like to fish with a bit of personality and are an experienced fishkeeper and dont mind setting up a brackish water single species tank then keep reading.