Brackish Water Aquarium Fish. Figure 8 pufferfish Tetraodon biocellatusIf you like to fish with a bit of personality and are an experienced fishkeeper and dont mind setting up a brackish water single species tank then keep reading. In particular our fresh water fish include Guppies Betta fish Goldfish Swords tail Platies Tetras etc.
This makeup most of their diet. In the brackish aquarium pH should be maintained between 78 and 84 with alkalinity between 10 and 20 dKH 180 ppm to 360 ppm. In the wild this would be used to hit insects to make them fall into the water for eating.
The most widely traded brackish water killifish is the Florida flagfish Jordanella floridae.
Dont forget to treat tap water with Aqueon Water Conditioner and. If you are going to have a small aquarium for your new Brackish set-up then this will be a great fit for your small tank. A certain amount of algae growth should be encouraged in brackish water aquariums such as by providing plenty of sunlight. They are well known for their ability to shoot jets of water from their mouths.