Breeding Discus Fish Freshwater Aquariums. Discus are really fun fish. If you aim to make your discus breed so the more species are in a school the better.
Breeding fish can be a challenge but breeding Discus is a real challenge. You will require at least 6-8 young species to make sure that there are couples among them. Should you wish to breed discus fish and then consider adding more fish to your existing number.
Discus Fish are sometimes referred to as pompadour fish.
They are very difficult to breed however this makes them very rewarding too. Failure to do this will result in unhealthy Discus fish that may not survive let alone breed. The discus will begin cleaning the medium in preparation by constantly sucking at the surface. While you probably wont get rich off breeding Discus it can be helpful to make a little extra to fund your fishkeeping hobbyIt takes a lot of dedication and hard work to breeds and raise Discus fish successfully but it is extremely fun.