Cool Small Freshwater Aquarium Fish. Moreover Endlers Livebearer breeds regularly so it will be a good decision if you purchase a 10-gallon aquarium for this fish and its cute little. Guppies are small curious fish and will do well in a 5-gallon tank provided the water is warm enough and the environment is kept clean.
This is done by professionals in nano-aquarists. They come in all kinds of different colors so in combination with your aquascaping they can make your tank quite an eye-catcher. One more thing about tetraodon fish is that they can puff up like a ball to make a raptors breakfast less pleasant.
This small freshwater fish is famous for its vibrant psychedelic patterns.
Like Platies they come in plenty of different variations although can generally be categorized as either short finned or sail finned. Like Platies they come in plenty of different variations although can generally be categorized as either short finned or sail finned. They come in all kinds of different colors so in combination with your aquascaping they can make your tank quite an eye-catcher. A beginner can handle the care for this fish because it easily adapts to water changes with little to no issues.