Fish Temperature Aquarium. What is the recommended water temperature in aquariums. If your house temperature ranges somewhere between 65-75 F depending on the time of year here is a list of fish that can thrive in your aquarium.
Digital thermometer and probe. Because of this the aquarium heater could stop without anyone noticing and the temperature change could stress the fish until someone notices the temperature reading. Its impossible to be aware of temperature fluctuations without catching it when the aquarium temperature is off or staring at it long enough to change.
Check out the above-mentioned tropical fish and set up yours now.
This will make 95 percent of the fish out there very happy. The vast majority of tropical fish we keep are fine at that temperature so many people never alter from the heaters preset temperature. Aganist this background the best temperature range for an average freshwater fish tank is anywhere from 72F to 80F. Heres where things get a bit tricky.