Freshwater Aquarium Fish Species. These species include Archerfish Angelfish Spiny Eels African Butterfly fish and some killifish species. Weve got a great selection of angels plecos cichlids livebearers tetras and much more.
You never know if you are going to get accurate information from the person selling the fish to you and using the internet or reading a. The three common aquarium species are known as L-018 L-081 and L-177. Tetra fish are one of the most popular groups of fish for personal freshwater aquariums.
They are great community fish and school together in a vibrant wave.
The Cardinal or Red Neon Tetra is another very similar species. Its always a good idea to research a fish before you buy it. These fish are known for their colorful appearance with bright red and blue stripes. Killifish vary widely in their care level and tankmate compatibility so it is important to research the species you prefer before adding them to your collection.