Freshwater Aquarium Fish That Like High Ph. The Cherry Barb is a popular tropical freshwater fish thats a member of the large Cyprinidae family. This is a good ph for Livebearers or African Cichlids but not Tetras or Corys.

Like the other fish weve studied so far its small and has a beautiful horizontal stripe through its body. Mollys Guppies Platys Swordtails 70-85 Hatchetfish 55-65 Sharks Minnows. When dH is 30 or more and the ppm is 450 or more the water is considered liquid rock or very hard.
Usually pH will decrease as the aquarium matures.
Driftwood and catappa leaf Indian almond leaf produce gradual reductions in pH as will a small porous bag of peat moss in the filter. Generally it depends on the specific species. There are also features that will increase the pH levels too. Dissolve the baking soda in some water before adding it to the tank.