German Aquarium Fish. Present in most European countries our online shop addresses passionate aquarists as well as beginners who are in search for quality animals at the best price. When you see a healthy ram in breeding condition almost every hue of the rainbow is displayed.
The scientific name of the German blue ram is Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. These fish are not recommended for the beginner or intermediate hobbyist due to their strict water quality requirements and habitat desires. While these fish are most commonly known as German Blue Rams there are a handful of other common names youll see used in the aquarium scene.
Tropical freshwater fish are our world and our passion.
Since 1955 we are dedicated to supply our customers with top quality aquarium fish. Aquarium mates of Zebra Danio include Honey Gourami Rosy Barbs Bronze Cory Indian Flying Barb Emerald Pufferfish Scarlet Badis. Are you considering purchasing a centerpiece fish for your aquarium. Seras main philosophy is to keep things non complicated allowing users to concentrate on the side of enjoyment pet keeping has to offer.