Golden Shark Aquarium Fish. Keep them with semi-aggressive larger fish. Click here to review our current pool rules regulations.
They are compatible with docile species of similar size and if kept in a suitable aquarium this fish may live up from 8-10 years. Avoid coupling the shark will small fish or other fish of the Labeo genus. The aquarium should be sufficiently aerated and filtered.
Unlike the other sharks on my list the Chinese Banded is a coldwater species and is well suited to life in a pond.
They are compatible with docile species of similar size and if kept in a suitable aquarium this fish may live up from 8-10 years. Easy to care for Rainbow Sharks can grow to 12-14cm. - GOLDEN SHARK ALBINO RAINBOW - The albino form of rainbow shark is a very attractive fish with its golden body and red fins. Golden Dwarf Cichlid Nannacara anomala Golden dwarf cichlids make a great addition to most well-planned community tanks.