Good Fish For Home Aquarium. The lionfish is a beautiful but deadly fish that makes a unique addition to the saltwater aquarium. If you want a goldfish give it a nice roomy tank of just goldfish.

They reach around 22cm in length and like to be kept in groups. So if you are not willing to waste a bit of your time with them it is best to forget and put in place a nice picture with fish. Swarm of Neon Tetras.
The Tiger Barb fish is instantly recognizable from the black stripes wrapped around its body.
Have you found Good Fish For Home Aquarium. Although they may take a while to settle into their new tank Cherry Barbs are the perfect freshwater fish for a home aquarium for all of the reasons listed above. Get a nice 20-30 gallon tank and fill it with a few low-aggression freshwater fish to get your fins wet. There are a number of other tetras that would qualify as good beginner fish.