Hard Water Aquarium Fish. Going to great lengths to soften aquarium water for the sake of the fish within however doesnt have to be. The Redtail Splitfin Xenotoca eiseni is another temperate hard water fish which is also a livebearer.
My pH levels are around 120 GHppm and my Alkalinity is near 300 KHppm. While hard water may be harmful many commonly owned fish are adaptable and can survive the environmental pressures it creates. My fish tank is in the basement so I ran a hose from the barrel to the tank and let gravity do all the work.
The Redtail Splitfin Xenotoca eiseni is another temperate hard water fish which is also a livebearer.
They produce a lot of waste and if the water is not changed regularly the built-up nitrates can become toxic for the fish. Before you go ahead to fill your fish tank with water and go ahead to soften the water find out whether or not the fish or fishes you intend to keep can deal with the water flowing in from the faucet or if. You can click here to read how to increase or decrease your waters hardness or pH levels. The Redtail Splitfin Xenotoca eiseni is another temperate hard water fish which is also a livebearer.