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How To Take Care Of Newborn Fish In Aquarium. Betta fish can be found at nearly any pet store. Once you have saved captured andor transferred as many tropical fry as you can please follow these basic instructions to care for the newborns.
Clean water with a warm temperature because they are tropical fish a stable Ph reading enough space. In order to make sure the water stays constant make sure the tank is not placed in contact with the sun which means not next to a window or an area where there is direct sunlight. Spread enough aquarium gravel or sand to hide the bottom of the tank.
In such a case a fish slime coat is the main thing to be taken care of.
All it requires are the basics. It is important to start a new aquarium. 1 Water condition 2 Number of fishes in a tank 3 Fish food 4 Cleanliness of the aquarium Tank 5 pH control of the aquarium water 6 Water Replacement Interval 7 Compatibility between one or more species. Many species of fish will actually eat their own young and even if the parents do not other fish in the tank might.