Koi Fish Aquarium. Heres a helpful guide to estimating an aquariums capacity in comparison to a kois size. Hence a breeding tank measuring 4 x 4 x 2 feet is ideal.
Koi owners may need to bring their prized koi indoors during the winter to prevent death in frozen pond water. It is also known as aquarium therapy. Temperature for a Koi tank should be somewhere in the range of 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit which is about 15 to 20 Celcius.
However you can use that especially if you live in a place where the cold months can reach extremes.
An aquarium of colorful Koi will be an eye-catching focal point for any room. Koi Aquarium Temperature. First off remember that aquariums are never a long-term option for koi. Koi reproduce thousands of eggs during their mating season 1.