Live Bearing Aquarium Fish Representative Species. Guppies are resilient little creatures that need 20-gallon aquariums. They give birth to live fish.
This means they dont produce eggs. All of these have similar needs. Salt and Pepper Catfish is a peaceful and timid fish that you can keep in a nano aquarium with other smaller species of fish like Ember or Amanda Tetras Endlers Guppies Clown Panchax and tiny Rasbora species.
Fish in the families Anabantidae bettas and gouramis Characidae tetras Cyprinidae barbs danios koi and goldfish and some members of the Cichlidae including freshwater angelfish may be more prone to the infection.
The Greenstripe barb can live in tropical freshwater and brackish water as well. Interestingly swordtails are live-bearing like mollies platies and guppies. The susceptibility of aquarium fish may be related at least in part to their longevity. This means they dont produce eggs.