Meat Eating Fish For Aquariums. Drop them into your aquarium with something that you can use to easily pull the food back out if the fish dont eat it in a quick enough period of time. Yes meat-eating snails do exist.

During the first 2 or 3 days without fish food aquarium fish will eat algae and scavenge for leftovers. Although being a carnivore fish is the most obvious reason for fish eating other fish it could also be that the fish in the aquarium have. What Type of Aquarium Fish Eat Bloodworms.
A little of both are referred to as Omnivores.
On top of the emotional aspect when a fish dies. Although being a carnivore fish is the most obvious reason for fish eating other fish it could also be that the fish in the aquarium have. Most of them have names and have been born in my care. Even so the fish must be extremely weak and unable to move for the assassin snail to get to it.