Molly Aquarium Fish. Most Types Of Tetras. These fish are known as livebearers similar to guppies and platies.
Molly fish will also get along with most freshwater aquarium shrimp and snails quite well too. This genus has about 39 species of mollies but only three of these species are available in the aquarium trade. There are three different species of Molly fish that can be kept in an aquarium.
The best molly fish tank mates are Rosy Barbs Cherry Barbs Danios Zebra Loaches Harlequin Rasbora Corydoras Catfish Yo-yo Loaches Tetras Platies and Dwarf Gourami etc.
Mollies prefer neutral to slightly alkaline waters. Each additional molly will need around 3 gallons to live comfortably. Mollies require a stable living space and hard water from 15 to 30 dGH. A single female can produce over one hundred baby mollies also called fry in one live birth.