Nematodes In Aquarium Fish. One type is Nematodes which are hair-like roundworms known as Detritus worms. Nematodes Hookworms Roundworms One of the largest group of worms the nematodes contain a variety of parasitic commensal and zoonotic worms that can all potentially affect aquatic animals.
Basically it looks like some tiny thin spikes are coming out of their bums. Well-maintained fish may be infected without exhibiting any symptoms at all and nematodes worms are commonly found among wild fish without any obvious link between infection and mortality. My article Treating Fish for Camallanus and Other Nematodes contains step-by-step instructions for preparing a Fenbendazole-containing fishfood that successfully rid my tanks and fish of these intestinal parasites.
And they provide an important service in ponds lakes etc.
In aquaculture situations fish become infected with nematodes if they are fed live foods containing infective life stages or if they are raised in culture settings that promote the growth of other animals that carry the infective stages of the nematode vector or paratenic host or allow nematodes to complete their life cycle intermediate hosts. Most fish there is little chance of overdosing. And higher doses may be unnecessary 17. Over the years I have had to deal with nasty Camallanus worms several times in newly purchased fish.