Ornamental Fish Culture And Aquarium Management. Ornamental fishes and maintainance of aquculture by irfan paswal. The desirable species of ornamental fishes in required numbers are purchased from the market.
Zoology IV Sem Fishery Science Aquaculture ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY. Fish continues to be one of the most-traded food commodities. A STRATEGIC APPROACH TO THE MANAGEMENT OF ORNAMENTAL FISHIN AUSTRALIA 1 The ornamental aquarium fish trade in Australia is estimated to be worth approximately 350 million annually.
The art of keeping breeding and maintaining such beautiful colourful fish in aquarium is also discussed in this book.
Zoology IV Sem Fishery Science Aquaculture ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY. This course will also help university students and school students in their further studies and future careers. The aquarium fish industry in Sri Lanka has become a valuable foreign exchange earner during recent years earning as much as Rs. Fish continues to be one of the most-traded food commodities.