Panda Aquarium Fish. The panda cory or the panda catfish is a South American species of catfish with a black and off-white coloration pattern similar to a giant panda. Nevertheless it remains very peaceful and without aggressiveness small dominance jousts but nothing very worrying.
A biofilm and algae grazer. Because of this those who keep C. The Dwarf Panda Cichlid Apistogramma nijsseni may grow up to around 3 inches or more male and around 2 inches female and is mainly carnivorous.
Guppy platy honey gourami and dwarf gourami betta various kinds of peaceful catfish and others.
Once a proper aquarium is set up and optimum living conditions are met Panda Garra can live up to 5 6 years or slightly more. Due to its unusual markings and peaceful nature the Panda Garra makes a great addition to well-filtered aquariums 30 gallons and larger. Corydoras panda has a preference for cooler than normal waters when compared to many other popular tropical fish species. In the wild the Panda Garra inhabits well-oxygenated fast.