Puffer Fish For Saltwater Aquarium. Itll feed on small invertebrates and is best for a fish only aquarium where they do relatively well with a broad. Totally lacking pelvic fins the Spotted Puffer is able to use its pectoral fins to move about the aquarium with ease.
It does require lots of room for swimming so make sure that youre prepared to buy a very large tank for it. Owning a saltwater puffer fish is the goal for many aquarists and the Spiny Box Puffer is considered to be the holy grail. You can keep figure 8 puffer fish in a 15-gallon aquarium without any hassle.
Besides some puffer fish living in freshwater and probably migrating to brackish water or saltwater until adulthood is for example green spotted puffer.
The most convenient aspect of these fish is that they are very small only getting an inch long and thus one can be kept in a 5 gallon tank unlike most other puffers which require much larger. Totally lacking pelvic fins the Spotted Puffer is able to use its pectoral fins to move about the aquarium with ease. Your Valentini puffer will need an aquarium of 30 gallons or up. Pufferfish are marine-water fish they would need to be kept in a saltwater aquarium.