Small Red Fish For Aquarium. You need to add iron into the aquarium to achieve red colorations. Highly active and naturally curious these fish spend most of their time darting back and forth at the bottom of the tank.

This 15 381 cm fish is a slow swimmer so it is comfortable to live in a 3-gallon aquarium. Red coloured aquarium fish include the Rosy Barb Flowerhorn Cichlid Jewel Cichlid Red Cap Lethrinops Serpae Tetra Severum Dwarf Gourami Cardinal Tetra Peacock Cichlid Discus Betta and Guppies. They love heavily planted tanks as they prefer to spend most of their time swimming among the vegetation.
They are absolutely lovely to look at with striking orange and red translucent bodies.
Because of its small size the Dwarf Puffer doesnt need a big tank to live in. With extreme caution taken they could be kept in reef aquariums but because of their propensity to eat small ornamental shrimps and other mobile invertebrates usually leaving sessile invertebrates alone they are not considered reef safe. Their very small size and striking red coloration makes them a top contender. They stay small and will not outgrow to be 1 inch 25 cm long when they reach adulthood.