Snakehead Fish Aquarium. Red Snakeheads will need a strong tight-fitting lid on their aquarium as they will sometimes jump or get carried away while hunting live fish. With our 15 years experience in breeding fish and exporting business we accumulated a reliable statistic on the optimum amount of fish per bag based on the transport time taken from our door to your door.
All you need is the proper preparation and understanding of the animal as a food source. The largest Snakehead species can reach a length of almost one metre approximately one yard. Dwarf Snakeheads can live in a community tank with other fish around their same size that impact their waterways the same as Fire mouth Cichlids that are kept in the aquarium hobby This is a video of a 6 and a half inch Rainbow Snakehead living quite peacefully with Firemouth Cichlids and other fish that are kept in the Hobby.
You can indeed eat snakehead fish.
Snakehead Aquarium Feeding Attack Jumping. It is however important to cover the aquarium. The article notes that it will eat out of your hand but as it reaches maximum size about 18 inches for this variety of snakehead it will also eat a piece of your hand. The summer of 2002 was the summer of the snakehead the first exposure with these exotic fishes for many of us.