Solitary Freshwater Aquarium Fish. Slick fish umbrella rig bass umbrella rigs trolling fishing fish gifts sport fishing. Most freshwater fish species are either solitary swimmers or the schooling type and they are highly recommended for both rookies and skilled aquarium keepers.
Click here for a Free Quote on your aquarium maintenance. The opposite of shoaling fish some fish are solitary and prefer to be on their own. From our list you will find out that some species are best tanked in solitary.
Mollies are an awesomely cool freshwater fish that are great for any beginner aquarium.
Solitary fish may just prefer to live with fish of a different species to their own. Freshwater fishes are ideal aquarium creatures and they thrive in confined environments. Like Platies they come in plenty of different variations although can generally be categorized as either short finned or sail finned. Small freshwater fish have long been popular options for community aquariums but recently the trend for nano tanks has created new interest in these naturally tiny micro fish.