Suitable Fish For Planted Aquarium. Fish Selection for Planted Aquarium As mentioned fish are an accent in a planted aquarium not the main feature. They are distinctively small.
Pearl and Moonlight gouramies are ideal for most aquaria whilst the Opaline Gold and Three-spots are suitable providing they are kept in a minimum group of 5. The larger Gourami species are good first fish for aquaria with plenty of plants and hiding spots. Because Opaline Gold and Three-spots are all the same species the group can be a.
Killifish have many variations also.
Planted aquariums also provide the ideal habitat for larger freshwater species like Rainbowfish Discus and Angelfish. Because Opaline Gold and Three-spots are all the same species the group can be a. Suitable fish for an aquascape The cichlids Cichlidae are a fish family very rich in species containing about 1700 of them. In addition to angelfish and discus the African cichlids from the lakes Malawi and Tanganyika also form part of this taxonomic family.