Transferring Fish To A New Aquarium. Follow these steps when moving your fish to your new larger aquarium. Moving your fish to a new tank Transferring your fish to a new aquarium can sometimes be easier than moving an existing tank but there are a few essential tips which must be followed for a smooth transition.
Use your net to move them from the bucket to the aquarium. Brine shrimp nets work well but if you have only a large net hold the net over a bucket and gently pour the fish and water out of the bag and into the net. New tank syndrome is a generic and all-encompasing explanation for loss of fish in an aquarium that is under two months old.
Get the filter running new filter to help get the tank settled.
Transfer your fish into the new aquarium directly if the water temperature and pH levels match the old one. Adding fish to a new aquarium is a slow process and needs patience. Set up your aquarium heater filter and lighting system in the new tank and plug them in to be sure they work. Allow the bag to sit for ten minutes then open the bag and add a cup of your aquariums water to it.